Changes in afex Version 1.4-x (2024-xx-xx) Significant User Visible Changes and New Features o Added plot_first argument to afex_plot(), which allows passing ggplot2 geom's which will be plotted first, before any other graphical elements. This allows plotting reference lines in the background of the plot, e.g. using geom_hline(). Bugfixes o Address #87 hopefully increasing speed of emmeans() for mixed objects significantly. Changes in afex Version 1.3-1 (2024-02-25) Bugfixes o prepared afex for ggplot2 version 3.5.0 Changes in afex Version 1.3-x (2023-04-18) Significant User Visible Changes and New Features o Nicer warning if there is missing data for ANOVA models. o Removed all_fit() function. mixed(..., all_fit = TRUE) now uses lme4::allFit(). In case you have relied on all_fit() use lme4::allFit(). o Removed support for deprecated ANOVA functions, aov.ez, and aov4. Instead use aov_car(), aov_ez(), and aov_4(). Bugfixes o Updates to documentation in various places. o Using vdiffr for unit tests of afex_plot o Fixed broken link to (replaced with link in Changes in afex Version 1.2-x (2022-10-30) Significant User Visible Changes and New Features o Multiple geoms for data in the background can now be passed to afex_plot() as a list. Likewise, for each geom, a separate list of additional arguments can be passed as a list of lists to data_arg. o afex_plot() gets a new argument, data_color with default "darkgrey". Like data_alpha for alpha, data_color sets the colour for the geom (or now geoms) used to plot the data in the background. o Both data_color and data_alpha can now be set to NULL, in which case they will not be set but should be set by the user through data_arg. Bugfixes o Data in mixed() output is shown nicer (#113) o afex_plot() should now work with factor_levels arguments even if corresponding variable is not a factor in the data. o Resaved plots for new version of ggbeeswarm (#117). Changes in afex Version 1.1-x (2022-03-30) Significant User Visible Changes and New Features o Fitting messages for mixed() are now only shown per default in interactive mode, thanks to Marius Barth (#111). o Nicer error message about missing variables for ANOVAs. o Removed check_contrasts() argument for ANOVAs, which did not work as described for designs with repeated-measures factors: Bugfixes o Fixed overzealous data completeness check introduced in version 1.0 in aov_car() which prevented ANOVAs with additive factors and no cross over data from working. o mixed(..., method = "LRT") and similar nested methods should work with empty factor levels: Changes in afex Version 1.0-x (2021-07-02) Significant User Visible Changes and New Features o ANOVA objects do not by default contain the aov slot any more o emmeans() for ANOVA now uses multivariate model as default o Default p-value method for mixed() is now Satterthwaite: method = "S" o New data set, Urry et al. (2021, Psych Science): laptop_urry The following changes are thanks to Mattan S. Ben-Shachar: o Added new vignette: "Testing the Assumptions of ANOVAs" o Added predict() method for afex_aov objects. o Deprecated functions test_levene() and test_sphercitiy(), which are now part of the performance package as performance::check_homogeneity() and performance::check_sphericity(), respectively. Bugfixes o All vignettes should run without suggested packages present. o Added ez to suggests, to avoid NOTE on CRAN solaris.