/***** * drawgroup.h * John Bowman * * Group elements in a picture to be deconstructed as a single object. *****/ #ifndef DRAWGROUP_H #define DRAWGROUP_H #include "drawelement.h" namespace camp { class drawBegin : public drawElement { string name; public: drawBegin(string name="") : name(name) {} virtual ~drawBegin() {} bool begingroup() {return true;} bool write(prcfile *out) { out->begingroup(name.c_str()); return true; } }; class drawEnd : public drawElement { public: drawEnd() {} virtual ~drawEnd() {} bool endgroup() {return true;} bool write(prcfile *out) { out->endgroup(); return true; } }; } GC_DECLARE_PTRFREE(camp::drawBegin); GC_DECLARE_PTRFREE(camp::drawEnd); #endif