/* * in_gif.cpp -- read a Compuserve GIF file * by pts@fazekas.hu at Fri Mar 1 22:28:46 CET 2002 * */ /*The creators of the GIF format require the following acknowledgement: The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma implementation #endif #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2 #include "config2.h" /* SUXX, ignores features.h */ #if USE_IN_GIF #include "cgif.h" #include "cgif.c" /* _POSIX_SOURCE */ #include "image.hpp" #include "error.hpp" #include "gensio.hpp" #undef CGIFFF #define CGIFFF CGIF:: static Image::Sampled *in_gif_reader(Image::Loader::UFD *ufd, SimBuffer::Flat const&) { Image::Indexed *img; CGIFFF GifFileType *giff; CGIFFF SavedImage *sp; CGIFFF ColorMapObject *cm; char const *err; /* Dat: (CGIFFF GetGifError() || "unknown error") doesn't work like in Perl or Ruby */ if (0==(giff=CGIFFF DGifOpenFILE(((Filter::UngetFILED*)ufd)->getFILE(/*seekable:*/false))) || GIF_ERROR==CGIFFF DGifSlurp(giff)) Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "GIF: " << ((err=CGIFFF GetGifError()) ? err : "unknown error") << (Error*)0; if (giff->ImageCount<1) Error::sev(Error::EERROR) << "GIF: no image in file" << (Error*)0; sp=giff->SavedImages+0; cm = (sp->ImageDesc.ColorMap ? sp->ImageDesc.ColorMap : giff->SColorMap); img=new Image::Indexed(sp->ImageDesc.Width, sp->ImageDesc.Height, cm->ColorCount, 8); CGIFFF GifColorType *co=cm->Colors, *ce=co+cm->ColorCount; char *p=img->getHeadp(); while (co!=ce) { *p++=(char)co->Red; *p++=(char)co->Green; *p++=(char)co->Blue; co++; } // fprintf(stderr, "transp=%d\n", sp->transp); if (sp->transp!=-1) img->setTransp(sp->transp); /* ^^^ comment out this line to ignore transparency of the GIF file */ assert(1L*sp->ImageDesc.Width*sp->ImageDesc.Height<=img->end_()-img->getRowbeg()); memcpy(img->getRowbeg(), sp->RasterBits, (slen_t)sp->ImageDesc.Width*sp->ImageDesc.Height); CGIFFF DGifCloseFile(giff); /* also frees memory structure */ return img; } static Image::Loader::reader_t in_gif_checker(char buf[Image::Loader::MAGIC_LEN], char [Image::Loader::MAGIC_LEN], SimBuffer::Flat const&, Image::Loader::UFD*) { return (0==memcmp(buf,"GIF87a",6) || 0==memcmp(buf,"GIF89a",6)) ? in_gif_reader : 0; } #define in_gif_name "GIF" #else #include #include "image.hpp" #include "error.hpp" #define in_gif_name (char const*)NULLP /* #define in_gif_checker (Image::Loader::checker_t)NULLP */ static Image::Loader::reader_t in_gif_checker(char buf[Image::Loader::MAGIC_LEN], char [Image::Loader::MAGIC_LEN], SimBuffer::Flat const&, Image::Loader::UFD*) { if (0==memcmp(buf,"GIF87a",6) || 0==memcmp(buf,"GIF89a",6)) { Error::sev(Error::WARNING) << "loader: please `configure --enable-gif' for loading GIF files" << (Error*)0; } return 0; } #endif /* USE_IN_GIF */ Image::Loader in_gif_loader = { in_gif_name, in_gif_checker, 0 };