Package: xerces-j Version: 2.6.2 Revision: 2 Maintainer: Benjamin Reed # Type: java(1.3) BuildDepends: ant (>= 1.6.1-1), fink (>= 0.22.2-1), fink-mirrors (>=, system-java13-dev Depends: system-java13 | system-java14 | system-java15 Source: mirror:apache:xml/%n/Xerces-J-src.%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: cfd536b8d72f8ebe3465ae35f5e3775d SourceDirectory: xerces-2_6_2 Source2: mirror:apache:xml/%n/Xerces-J-tools.%v.tar.gz Source2ExtractDir: xerces-2_6_2 Source2-MD5: 55ba4b71ae95acf7d50c4bc0d796ee76 CompileScript: sh jars InstallScript: # Nothing to do DocFiles: ISSUES LICENSE* README Readme.html STATUS TODO JarFiles: build/*.jar # Description: XML parser in Java DescDetail: << The rich generating and validating capabilities allow the Xerces-J Parser to be used for: - Building XML-savvy Web servers. - The next generation of vertical applications which will use XML as their data format. - On-the-fly validation for creating XML editors. - Ensuring the integrity of e-business data expressed in XML. - Building truly internationalized XML applications. << DescPackaging: << - avoid the lengthy build of docs (install xerces-j-docs if you want that) << License: BSD Homepage: