Package: test-simple-pm560 Version: 0.47 Revision: 14 ### Depends: perl560-core, file-spec-pm560 BuildDepends: fink (>=, test-harness-pm560, file-spec-pm560, perl560-core Replaces: test-simple-pm (<= 0.47-14), perl560, perl580, perl584, perl585, test-simple-pm560, test-simple-pm561, test-simple-pm580, test-simple-pm581, test-simple-pm584, test-simple-pm585 Provides: test-simple-pm ### Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/M/MS/MSCHWERN/Test-Simple-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 4a6c12685bfeadfe8ff6fca70825f90c ### Type: perl 5.6.0 UpdatePOD: true ### DocFiles: Changes MANIFEST* README* TODO ### Description: Basic utilities for writing tests DescDetail: << This is an extremely simple, extremely basic module for writing tests suitable for CPAN modules and other pursuits. If you wish to do more complicated testing, use the Test::More module (a drop-in replacement for this one). << DescPackaging: << test-simple-pm560 and test-simple-pm561 are needed in 10.2-gcc3.3 and earlier so that the fink test suite can be run as fink is being compiled. To avoid problems with updating, Info2 is not used for those two packages (in any tree). << ### License: Artistic Maintainer: Fink Core Group Homepage: