Package: ethereal Version: 0.9.14 Revision: 2 Maintainer: Max Horn BuildDepends: glib, libpcap, gtk+, dlcompat-dev, gettext-dev, gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libiconv-dev Depends: libpcap-shlibs, gtk+-shlibs, dlcompat-shlibs Conflicts: ethereal-ssl Replaces: ethereal-ssl Source: mirror:custom:ethereal-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 460ef7b71816316212cbdd26bb3ce0d3 CustomMirror: << Primary: Secondary: << Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --without-ucdsnmp --disable-usr-local --without-ssl InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README* TODO Description: Powerful network protocol analyzer DescDetail: << Ethereal is a free network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows. It allows you to examine data from a live network or from a capture file on disk. You can interactively browse the capture data, viewing summary and detail information for each packet. Ethereal has several powerful features, including a rich display filter language and the ability to view the reconstructed stream of a TCP session. << DescPackaging: << To prevent source URL problems once they update to a new version again, this package uses CustomMirror. << DescPort: << Fix to configure so that ethereal correctly detects dlopen is available. DESTDIR required for docsis plugin & manpages to install properly. << Homepage: License: GPL