Package: sunclock Version: 3.46 Revision: 2 Maintainer: Ben Hines Depends: x11, libjpeg-shlibs BuildDepends: libjpeg, dlcompat-dev, x11-dev Source: Source-MD5: e9156acaf779db200136914d857079c7 Patch: %f.patch CompileScript: << make -f Makefile.noimake EXTRA_CFLAGS=-I%p/include EXTRA_LDFLAGS=-L%p/lib SHAREDIR=%p/share/%n << Installscript: << mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1 make -f Makefile.noimake install XBINDIR=%p/bin MANDIR=%p/share/man/man1 DESTDIR=%d SHAREDIR=%p/share/%n << DocFiles: CHANGES COPYING INSTALL README TODO WARNING VMF.txt Description: Sophisticated world clock for X11 DescDetail: << Sunclock displays a map of the Earth and shows which portion is illuminated by the sun. In addition to providing local time for the default timezone, it also displays GMT time, legal and solar time of major cities, their latitude and longitude, sunrise and sunset, and the mutual distances of arbitrary locations on Earth. Sunclock can display meridians, parallels, tropics, and arctic circles. It has builtin functions that accelerate the speed of time and show the evolution of seasons. << DescUsage: << Downloading the enhanced earth maps is reccomended. Set options in ~/.sunclockrc. See manpage for list. << Homepage: License: GPL