Package: vtun Version: 2.6 Revision: 3 Depends: openssl (>= 0.9.8g-2), openssl098-shlibs, lzo-shlibs BuildDepends: openssl098-dev, lzo, fink (>= 0.24.12-1) Maintainer: Victor Seva Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: vtun PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: f7e723414616520855ec8d4c39aa9c6b ConfigureParams: --with-lzo-headers=%p/include --with-lzo-lib=%p/lib --with-ssl-headers=%p/include/openssl --with-ssl-lib=%p/lib --mandir=%p/share/man # make install does not install vtund.conf if one exists in %p/etc # this is bad because different people get different binary packages InstallScript: << make install INSTALL_OWNER= DESTDIR=%d /usr/bin/install -c -m 600 vtund.conf %i/etc << DocFiles: ChangeLog Credits FAQ README README.Setup README.Shaper TODO ConfFiles: %p/etc/vtund.conf Description: Virtual Tunnels over TCP/IP DescDetail:<< VTun is the easiest way to create Virtual Tunnels over TCP/IP networks with traffic shaping, compression, and encryption. It supports IP, PPP, SLIP, Ethernet and other tunnel types. VTun is easily and highly configurable, it can be used for various network tasks. << DescUsage: << Read the manpages for vtund and vtund.conf NB: You must adjust %p/etc/vtun.conf before using this program! << # License is silly page claims GPL, includes openssl code. License: Restrictive Homepage: Source-MD5: 309534fd03c5d13a19c43916f61f4bbf