# Initial Data Package: aspectj Version: 1.5.3 Revision: 2 Description: Aspect-oriented extensions to Java Type: java License: OSI-Approved Maintainer: John Ridgway # Dependencies Depends: system-java (>= 1.3) # Unpack Phase Source: http://download.eclipse.org/tools/%n/%n-%v.jar NoSourceDirectory: true Source-MD5: 87e49a0c31c7cc18965ec8da4b535c7f # Patch Phase # Compile Phase CompileScript: # Binary package; no compilation required # Test Suites # Install Phase InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # Unpack the distribution jar jar xf %n-%v.jar # Make a root directory in the %p/share hierarchy install -m 0755 -d %i/share/%n # Install the doc files (Fink's DocFiles field can't recurse on a directory) install -m 0755 -d %i/share/doc/%n/ cp -Rp doc/* %i/share/doc/%n/ # Generate the executable scripts /usr/bin/install -d %i/bin/ for AJ_COMMAND in ajbrowser ajc ajdoc ; do echo \#!/bin/sh > $AJ_COMMAND echo \# This file was generated automatically by Fink from aspectj.info >> $AJ_COMMAND echo >> $AJ_COMMAND echo if [ \"\$JAVA_HOME\" = \"\" ] \; then JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/HOME \; fi >> $AJ_COMMAND echo if [ \"\$ASPECTJ_HOME\" = \"\" ] \; then ASPECTJ_HOME=%p/share/%n \; fi >> $AJ_COMMAND echo >> $AJ_COMMAND echo \"\$JAVA_HOME/bin/java\" -classpath \"\$ASPECTJ_HOME/lib/aspectjtools.jar:\$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:\$CLASSPATH\" -Xmx64M org.aspectj.tools.$AJ_COMMAND.Main \"\$@\" >> $AJ_COMMAND install -m 755 $AJ_COMMAND %i/bin/ done # Generate the aj script (special case of above) echo \#!/bin/sh > aj echo \# This file was generated automatically by Fink from aspectj.info >> aj echo >> aj echo if [ \"\$JAVA_HOME\" = \"\" ] \; then JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/HOME \; fi >> aj echo if [ \"\$ASPECTJ_HOME\" = \"\" ] \; then ASPECTJ_HOME=%p/share/%n \; fi >> aj echo >> aj echo \"\$JAVA_HOME/bin/java\" -classpath \"\$ASPECTJ_HOME/lib/aspectjweaver.jar\" \"-Djava.system.class.loader=org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.WeavingURLClassLoader\" \"-Daj.class.path=\$ASPECTPATH:\$CLASSPATH\" \"-Daj.aspect.path=\$ASPECTPATH\" \"\$@\" >> aj install -m 755 aj %i/bin/ # Generate the aj5 script (special case of above) echo \#!/bin/sh > aj5 echo \# This file was generated automatically by Fink from aspectj.info >> aj5 echo >> aj5 echo if [ \"\$JAVA_HOME\" = \"\" ] \; then JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/HOME \; fi >> aj5 echo if [ \"\$ASPECTJ_HOME\" = \"\" ] \; then ASPECTJ_HOME=%p/share/%n \; fi >> aj5 echo >> aj5 echo \"\$JAVA_HOME/bin/java\" -classpath \"\$ASPECTJ_HOME/lib/aspectjweaver.jar:\$CLASSPATH\" \"-javaagent:\$ASPECTJ_HOME/lib/aspectjweaver.jar\" \"\$@\" >> aj5 install -m 755 aj5 %i/bin/ << JarFiles: lib/aspectjrt.jar lib/aspectjtools.jar lib/aspectjweaver.jar lib/aspectjlib.jar DocFiles: LICENSE-AspectJ.html README-AspectJ.html # Build Phase PostInstScript: << # Establish symbolic links so that ASPECTJ_HOME has somewhere to point to ln -s %p/share/doc/%n/LICENSE-AspectJ.html %p/share/%n/LICENSE-AspectJ.html ln -s %p/share/doc/%n/README-AspectJ.html %p/share/%n/README-AspectJ.html ln -s %p/share/java/%n %p/share/%n/lib ln -s %p/bin %p/share/%n/bin ln -s %p/share/doc/%n %p/share/%n/doc << PreRmScript: << # Remove the symbolic links that are no longer needed rm %p/share/%n/LICENSE-Aspectj.html rm %p/share/%n/README-Aspectj.html rm %p/share/%n/lib rm %p/share/%n/bin rm %p/share/%n/doc << # Additional Data Homepage: http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/ DescDetail: << AspectJ(tm) is a simple and practical extension to the Java(tm) programming language that adds to Java aspect-oriented programming (AOP) capabilities. AOP allows developers to reap the benefits of modularity for concerns that cut across the natural units of modularity. In object-oriented programs like Java, the natural unit of modularity is the class. In AspectJ, aspects modularize concerns that affect more than one class. You compile your program using the AspectJ compiler (perhaps using the supported development environments) and then run it, supplying a small (< 100K) runtime library. The AspectJ technologies include a compiler (ajc), a documentation generator (ajdoc), a program structure browser (ajbrowser), and integration with Eclipse, Sun-ONE/Netbeans, GNU Emacs/XEmacs, JBuilder, and Ant. Effective with AspectJ 5 it also includes runtime weavers (aj and aj5). << DescUsage: << The aspectjrt.jar, aspectjtools.jar, aspectjlib.jar, and aspectjweaver.jar files are automatically put in the CLASSPATH. Executable scripts for ajbrowser, ajc, ajdoc, aj, and aj5 are installed in the bin directory. ASPECTJ_HOME will be, by default, %p/share/aspectj The root of the documentation can be found at %p/share/aspectj/doc/index.html. << DescPort: << All of the distributed files are put in the appropriate places in the fink file system hierarchy. A directory %p/share/aspectj is also created which holds symbolic links to the other pieces, and it serves as an ASPECTJ_HOME. <<