Package: darcs Version: 2.0.2 Revision: 2 Distribution: 10.4, 10.5 Architecture: i386, powerpc Description: Advanced distributed revision control system License: GPL Maintainer: Corey Halpin Depends: << libncurses5-shlibs, readline5-shlibs, libcurl4-shlibs, gmp-shlibs (>= 4.1.4-1), libmpfr1-shlibs << BuildDepends: << libncurses5, readline5, libcurl4, ghc-dev (>= 6.2), tetex-base | system-tetex, latex2html, gmp << Replaces: darcs-bash-completion Conflicts: darcs-bash-completion Recommends: bash-completion Source: Source-MD5: f216b019dc9fc83cf920f715b1da375c #Patch: %n.patch ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --sysconfdir=%p/etc InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING DescDetail: << Darcs is a revision control system, along the lines of CVS and arch. That means that it keeps track of various revisions and branches of your project, allows for changes to propagate from one branch to another. Darcs is intended to be an `advanced' revision control system. Darcs has two particularly distinctive features which differ from other revision control systems: 1) each copy of the source is a fully functional branch, and 2) underlying darcs is a consistent and powerful theory of patches. << Homepage: DescPort: << Previous versions by Vadim Zaliva and Lars Rosengreen <<