Info2: << Package: postfix%type_pkg[-mysql]%type_pkg[-ldap] Version: 2.9.0 Revision: 1b Type: -mysql (boolean), -ldap (boolean) # Distribution: 10.5, 10.6 Homepage: Description: Mail transfer agent that's fast and secure DescDetail: << Postfix is Wietse Venema's mailer that started life as an alternative to the widely-used Sendmail program. Postfix attempts to be fast, easy to administer, and secure, while at the same time being sendmail compatible enough to not upset existing users. Thus, the outside has a sendmail-ish flavor, but the inside is completely different. This package provides TLS encryption and SASL authentication. << DescUsage: << You need to do a few things to set Postfix up before you can use it: 1) Edit %p/etc/postfix/ In particular, edit myorigin, mydestination and mynetworks in that file. The file is well commented. More configuration options are documented in postconf(5). Information on setting up TLS encryption can be found in %p/share/doc/postfix/tls. 2) Edit the aliases in %p/etc/postfix/aliases so that mail to root, and your user, go to your real email address. Run 'sudo newaliases' to update the alias database file. 3) Run 'sudo mta-switch fink' to move the old sendmail from Apple's Postfix out of the way and place symlinks to Fink's Postfix in its place. You may need to do this after upgrades of Mac OS X from Apple. If you are running the system's Postfix, you must stop it before starting the Fink installed one or things could get very confused: 'sudo /usr/sbin/postfix stop'. 4) Run 'sudo daemonic enable postfix'. This will create a Postfix startup item, but it won't actually start Postfix. To do that, you can run 'sudo postfix start'. If you're upgrading from postfix 2.1.x, please read RELEASE_NOTES about configuration changes and adjust accordingly. The installation process will try to upgrade conf files automatically, but they should still be checked by hand. Removing postfix via Fink will automatically disable it and re-enable Apple's postfix. << DescPackaging: << Adds startup item via daemonic, and an mta-switch shell script. NetInfo support disabled since Apple has depreciated it and no longer supplies the necessary header files. Now uses system's OpenSSL (via system-openssl-dev) and removed from crypto tree. Yay! Added -ldap variant. (Previously added -mysql variant). Refactored CompileScript to allow easy adding of new variants. Note to self: must add new variants to the upgrade SplitOffs and Replaces. :/ Original maintainer: Daniel Parks << License: OSI-Approved Maintainer: Daniel Johnson Depends: << cyrus-sasl2-shlibs, daemonic, db53-aes-shlibs, (%type_raw[-mysql] = -mysql) mysql-unified-shlibs, (%type_raw[-ldap] = -ldap) openldap24-shlibs, libpcre1-shlibs << BuildDepends: << cyrus-sasl2-dev, db53-aes, fink (>= 0.24.12), (%type_raw[-mysql] = -mysql) mysql-unified-dev, (%type_raw[-ldap] = -ldap) openldap24-dev, libpcre1, system-openssl-dev << Conflicts: << postfix-release, postfix, postfix-mysql, postfix-ldap, postfix-mysql-ldap << Replaces: << postfix-release, postfix, postfix-mysql, postfix-ldap, postfix-mysql-ldap, postfix-tls (<< %v-%r), postfix-mysql-tls (<< %v-%r), postfix-unified (<< %v-%r), postfix-mysql-unified (<< %v-%r), postfix-ldap-tls (<< %v-%r), postfix-mysql-ldap-tls (<< %v-%r), postfix-ldap-unified (<< %v-%r), postfix-mysql-ldap-unified (<< %v-%r) << Recommends: cyrus-sasl2 Source: Source-MD5: 43a5ea2d6fb39185a60b4635e016967e PatchFile: %{ni}.patch PatchFile-MD5: 1061d35968cd907c2a975347a848137c PatchScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev sed 's|@FINKPREFIX@|%p|g ' <%{PatchFile} | patch -p1 perl -pi -e 's,/(etc|var/spool)/postfix,%p/\1/postfix,g; s,/etc/aliases,%p/etc/postfix/aliases,g' man/man1/* man/man5/* man/man8/* conf/* html/*.html README_FILES/* let version=`uname -r | cut -f 1 -d .` if [ $version -ge 10 ]; then perl -pi -e 's/^#define RESOLVE_H_NEEDS_NAMESER8_COMPAT_H$//' src/util/sys_defs.h fi << NoSetCPPFLAGS: true NoSetLDFLAGS: true CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev #General build settings export build_args='-DDEF_COMMAND_DIR=\"%p/sbin\" \ -DDEF_CONFIG_DIR=\"%p/etc/postfix\" \ -DDEF_DAEMON_DIR=\"%p/lib/postfix\" \ -DDEF_MAILQ_PATH=\"%p/bin/mailq\" \ -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\"%p/share/man\" \ -DDEF_NEWALIAS_PATH=\"%p/bin/newaliases\" \ -DDEF_README_DIR=\"%p/share/doc/%n/README_FILES\" \ -DDEF_HTML_DIR=\"%p/share/doc/%n/html\" \ -DDEF_QUEUE_DIR=\"%p/var/spool/postfix\" \ -DDEF_SENDMAIL_PATH=\"%p/sbin/sendmail\" \ -DUSE_TLS -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL \ -I. -I../../include' #General libraries export lib_args="-L%p/lib/system-openssl/lib -L%p/lib -lssl -lcrypto -ldb -lsasl2 -lresolv" #MySQL build settings if [ "%type_raw[-mysql]" == "-mysql" ]; then export build_args="$build_args -DHAS_MYSQL -I%p/include/mysql" export lib_args="$lib_args -lmysqlclient" fi #More general build settings export build_args="$build_args -I%p/lib/system-openssl/include -I%p/include/db5 -I%p/include/sasl -I%p/include" #LDAP build settings if [ "%type_raw[-ldap]" == "-ldap" ]; then export build_args="$build_args -DHAS_LDAP" export lib_args="$lib_args -lldap -llber" fi make makefiles CCARGS="$build_args" AUXLIBS="$lib_args" make << InstallScript: << # darwin8: owner 'postfix', not '_postfix'. group 'postdrop', not '_postdrop' make non-interactive-package install_root="%d" mail_owner="postfix" setgid_group="postdrop" data_directory="%p/var/lib/postfix" install -m0755 mta-switch %i/sbin << DocFiles: AAAREADME COMPATIBILITY COPYRIGHT HISTORY IPv6-ChangeLog LICENSE RELEASE_NOTES* TLS_* US_PATENT_6321267 ConfFiles: << %p/etc/postfix/ %p/etc/postfix/ %p/etc/postfix/access %p/etc/postfix/aliases %p/etc/postfix/canonical %p/etc/postfix/generic %p/etc/postfix/header_checks %p/etc/postfix/relocated %p/etc/postfix/transport %p/etc/postfix/virtual << DaemonicName: postfix DaemonicFile: << Postfix Mail Transfer Agent Postfix %p/lib/postfix/master %p/etc/postfix/ %p/var/spool/postfix/pid/ << PreInstScript: << echo 'Stopping postfix in case you are upgrading from an old version.' { [ -x %p/sbin/postfix ] && %p/sbin/postfix stop ; } || true << PostInstScript: << %p/sbin/postconf -e "html_directory=%p/share/doc/%n/html" %p/sbin/postconf -e "readme_directory=%p/share/doc/%n/README_FILES" %p/sbin/postconf -e "data_directory=%p/var/lib/postfix" %p/sbin/postfix set-permissions upgrade-configuration << PreRmScript: << if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then daemonic remove postfix echo "Stopping postfix..." %p/sbin/postfix stop >& /dev/null || true yes 'n' | mta-switch apple fi << SplitOff: << Package: postfix%type_pkg[-mysql]%type_pkg[-ldap]-tls Description: OBSOLETE use package 'postfix%type_pkg[-mysql]%type_pkg[-ldap]' instead Depends: %N (= %v-%r), fink-obsolete-packages # RuntimeDepends: fink-obsolete-packages DocFiles: LICENSE << SplitOff2: << Package: postfix%type_pkg[-mysql]%type_pkg[-ldap]-unified Description: OBSOLETE use package 'postfix%type_pkg[-mysql]%type_pkg[-ldap]' instead Depends: %N (= %v-%r), fink-obsolete-packages # RuntimeDepends: fink-obsolete-packages DocFiles: LICENSE << <<