Package: osh Version: 12 Revision: 2 Description: V6 Thompson Shell Port License: BSD Maintainer: Jack Fink Source: Source-MD5: b970833facc5cc51a29f7ef2298e6432 UseMaxBuildJobs: true CompileScript: make PREFIX=%p all InstallScript: make PREFIX=%p DESTDIR=%d install DocFiles: AUTHORS CHANGES* DEDICATIONS LICENSE NOTES PROJECT README DescDetail: << The osh project provides two ports of the original /bin/sh from Sixth Edition (V6) UNIX (circa 1975). J.A. Neitzel develops and maintains this project. Osh(1) is an enhanced, backward-compatible port of the Sixth Edition Thompson shell. Sh6(1) is an unenhanced port of the shell, and glob6(1) is a port of its global command. Together, sh6 and glob6 provide a user interface which is backward compatible with that provided by the Sixth Edition Thompson shell and global command, but without the obvious enhancements found in osh. The original Thompson shell was principally written by Ken Thompson of Bell Labs. Additionally, this project includes the following shell utilities: if(1) - conditional command (ported from Sixth Edition UNIX) goto(1) - transfer command (ported from Sixth Edition UNIX) fd2(1) - redirect from/to file descriptor 2 << Homepage: