Package: fink-buildenv-modules Version: 0.1.0 Revision: 4 Description: Script for getting common buildtime values License: BSD Maintainer: Hanspeter Niederstrasser BuildDependsOnly: true Source: Source-MD5: 10694cc81cb488bc07390044498c02f4 Source-Checksum: SHA1(20b39d48a0dfaa907a6a6c176ee355ff392ab863) SourceRename: fink-buildenv-modules-%v.tar.gz CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev mkdir build cd modules for script in *; do sed -e 's|@FINK_ARCH@|%m|g' \ -e 's|@FINK_PREFIX@|%p|g' < $script > ../build/`/usr/bin/basename -s .in $script` done << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev mkdir -p %i/sbin pushd build for script in *.sh; do install -m 755 $script %i/sbin done popd << DocFiles: LICENSE README Homepage: DescDetail: << Helper scripts to automatically set variables commonly used during the building of a Fink package (system version, Xcode release, SDK path, etc). Using these scripts helps to prevent reinventing the wheel whenever such a setting needs to be calculated. << DescUsage: << Source the required script within {Patch,Compile,Install,Test}Script in your .info file in order to set environment variables calculated for the buildtime system. Each script sources lower level scripts as necesssary, so you don't need to source both the base script and an application- specific script. The variables can then applied to multiple uses, such as token replacements: sed "s|@SDK_PATH@|$SDK_PATH|g" < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1 or in conditionals: if [ "$OSX_MAJOR_VERSION" > "10.7" ]; then ... and many other possibilities. <<