Package: idldepend Version: 0.81 Revision: 2 Description: Ant task for running various IDL compilers Type: java(1.4) License: OSI-Approved Homepage: Maintainer: None BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) Depends: system-java (>= 1.3), javacc (>= 3.2), ant (>= 1.6) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 5c465fd4db063206228f32a185f973c8 PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1 Source: Source-MD5: b7ca3c814992b938e8c060a711af5e4f NoSourceDirectory: true CompileScript: ant InstallScript: # No installation necessary; already handled by JarFiles field JarFiles: %n.jar DocFiles: Readme.htm DescDetail: << idldepend is an Ant task for compiling a CORBA IDL file. It parses the file, verifying the Java files that must be generated, taking into account the modifications that can happen due to command line parameters. If any of the Java files are missing or are older than the source IDL, it launches the specified compiler. (Orbacus, Orbix, Jacorb, OpenORB, IBM, and Sun are the only compilers supported.) To speed up the process and avoid parsing unnecesarily the same files continuously, idldepend keeps track of dependencies in intermediate files. Note that this task does not launch the Java compiler; it produces Java source files only, not the final bytecode. << DescPackaging: << Maintained through version 0.81-2 by Trevor Harmon. <<