Package: libhttpd-persistent Version: 1.3 Revision: 1010 GCC: 4.0 Maintainer: Darian Lanx Source: Source-MD5: 97f464bbf08908db9cec9baa24f6159e SourceDirectory: libhttpd-%v-persistent-f/ PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev perl -pi -e 's/typedef int socklen_t;//' src/select.h ### fix fail with 'u_int' has not been declared sed -i.orig -e '/strings.h/i \ #include ' \ src/ip_acl.c << BuildDependsOnly: True InstallScript: << mkdir %i/lib mkdir %i/include install -c -p -m 644 src/libhttpd-persistent.a %i/lib/libhttpd-persistent.a /usr/bin/ranlib %i/lib/libhttpd-persistent.a install -c -p -m 644 src/httpd-persistent.h %i/include/httpd-persistent.h << DocFiles: doc/libhttpd.pdf doc/FAQ.txt HISTORY License README Description: Fix-UP version of libhttpd to work with daapd DescDetail: << This is a special version of libhttpd needed to build the daap Daemon. << License: GPL Homepage: