Package: m681x-gdb Version: 6.4 Revision: 2 Maintainer: Carl van Denzen Recommends: m681x-binutils,m681x-gcc,m681x-newlib HomePage: Source: mirror:gnu:/gdb/gdb-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 7dc98022ee96bba5331f195dc8a5491a Source2: Source2-MD5: 6c3ee04975e34414acf69dab2d2b1556 DescPort: << Avoided using /sw/m6811. Its lib & include folders have been moved to /sw/share/m6811 and the binaries are put into /sw/bin. All files that are not recognizable as m6811 files renamed to m6811-xxx to avoid clashes with other potential toolchains. --with-as=%p/bin/m6811-elf-as added, I do not know why it is needed when not building into /usr/local, but it solves a problem. Somehow nls does not work: configure sees the /sw/include/libintl.h, but during link phase, the /sw/lib/libintl.a is not found. My simple solution was to disable nls. Only 6811 is supported, 6812 is not supported TODO: Native Language Support. << PatchScript: << patch -p1 < ../m68hc1x-builder-3.1/gdb-6.4-m68hc1x-20060122.diffs sed patch.tmp -e 's/\(SIM.*\) -lm/\1/' mv -f patch.tmp gdb/config/m68hc11/ << CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev # Extract TARGET and PROGRAM_PREFIX from the fink package name # m6811-xxxx -> m6811-elf cq m6811-elf- cq m6811 (machine) SOURCEDIR=$(pwd) for x in 1 ; do # # 681$x # MACHINE=%n;MACHINE=${MACHINE%%x-*}$x TARGET=${MACHINE}-elf;PROGRAM_PREFIX=$TARGET- echo $TARGET $MACHINE $PROGRAM_PREFIX # cd $SOURCEDIR BUILDDIR=build.${MACHINE} mkdir ${BUILDDIR} cd ${BUILDDIR} ${SOURCEDIR}/configure --target=$TARGET --prefix=%i/share/$MACHINE --bindir=%i/bin --mandir=%i/share/man --infodir=%i/share/info --enable-languages=c --program-prefix=$PROGRAM_PREFIX --with-local-prefix=%i/include/local --with-as=%p/bin/m6811-elf-as --with-ld=%p/bin/m6811-elf-ld --disable-nls make done << InstallScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev # Extract TARGET and PROGRAM_PREFIX from the fink package name # m6811-xxxx -> m6811-elf cq m6811-elf- cq m6811 (machine) SOURCEDIR=$(pwd) for x in 1 ; do # # 681$x # MACHINE=%{n};MACHINE=${MACHINE%%x-*}$x TARGET=${MACHINE}-elf;PROGRAM_PREFIX=$TARGET- cd $SOURCEDIR BUILDDIR=build.${MACHINE} cd ${BUILDDIR} make install /usr/bin/find -E %i -regex ".*/libiberty.a" -exec rm -f {} \; # # Remove duplicate info entries (between binutils and this one) # for i in $(/usr/bin/find -E %d -regex ".*/(bfd|configure|standards).*\.info(-[0-9]+)?" -print);do echo rm $i ;rm $i ;done # # Rename the files into cq to avoid name clashes with other binutils packages and these two packages (m6811 and m6812) # The files of the m6811 should not be renamed, hence the inverted grep. # for i in $(/usr/bin/find -E %d -regex ".*/.*\.info(-[0-9]+)?" -print|grep --invert-match /${MACHINE%%%%?});do echo $i ${i%%/*} ${i##*/} ;mv $i ${i%%/*}/$PROGRAM_PREFIX${i##*/};done done << DocFiles: InfoDocs: Description: For Motorola 68hc11/12 micro controllers License: GPL #Homepage: BuildDepends: m681x-binutils (>=2.16-1)