Package: netbeans Version: 5.5.1 Revision: 1 Type: java(1.5) Maintainer: Trevor Harmon BuildDepends: system-java-dev (>= 1.5), ant-base (>= 1.6.5) Depends: system-java (>= 1.5) Source: Source-MD5: 5976e9f2573ab69023c6a0a9ba0c26ba SourceDirectory: netbeans-src CompileScript: (cd nbbuild && ANT_OPTS=-Xmx256m ant) InstallScript: << # Unpack distribution JAR mkdir %i/share unzip nbbuild/NetBeans-release551-`cat nbbuild/netbeans/build_info | grep Number | awk '{print $2}'`.zip -d %i/share # Move documents out of the way mv %i/share/netbeans/*.html . mv %i/share/netbeans/*.txt . mv %i/share/netbeans/build_info . # Set up link to executable mkdir %i/bin ln -s %p/share/netbeans/bin/netbeans %i/bin # Remove non-Mac executables rm -f %i/share/netbeans/bin/nb.exe rm -f %i/share/netbeans/bin/netbeans.cmd rm -f %i/share/netbeans/bin/netbeans.exe << DocFiles: CREDITS.html DISTRIBUTION.txt LICENSE.txt README.html THIRDPARTYLICENSE.txt build_info Description: Platform/IDE for developing Java applications DescDetail: << NetBeans refers to both a platform for the development of Java desktop applications, and an integrated development environment (IDE) developed using the NetBeans Platform. The NetBeans Platform allows applications to be developed from a set of modular software components called modules. A module is a Java archive file that contains Java classes written to interact with the NetBeans Open APIs and a manifest file that identifies it as a module. Applications built on modules can be extended by adding new modules. Since modules can be developed independently, applications based on the NetBeans platform can be extended by third party developers. << DescUsage: << Because NetBeans is distributed with an OS X installer, the existence of a Fink port might seem odd. However, it is necessary for certain applications, such as JSwat, that depend on NetBeans and need to know where it is installed. Type "netbeans" at the command line to launch it. << License: OSI-Approved Homepage: