Package: discount Version: 2.1.3 Revision: 1 Description: Markdown compiler in C License: BSD Maintainer: Steve Huff Source: Source-MD5: a1a4eade44f8141e38f2be7f2ed56c98 TarFilesRename: ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --enable-all-features --with-dl=both --with-fenced-code --with-github-tags --with-id-anchor InfoTest: << TestScript: make test || exit 2 << InstallScript: make install.everything DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: COPYRIGHT CREDITS INSTALL README VERSION BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) DescDetail: << %n is an implementation in C of John Gruber's Markdown ( language. Using Markdown, one can write content for the web in a straightforward, human-readable format, then quickly compile it to standards-compliant HTML. << DescUsage: << %n installs a command-line utility called markdown. The markdown program is a trivial compiler that reads in a markdown file and writes out a html document or (if you use the -d flag) an outline showing the parse tree. << Homepage: DescPackaging: << Renamed the distribution '' to 'configure' in order to better comply with Fink's default scripts. <<