Package: miktex-tools Version: 2.8.3541 Revision: 3 Distribution: 10.5, 10.6 Source: mirror:ctan:systems/win32/miktex/source/miktex-%v.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: edfc0fce88d135ecd67fe893685e76c7 PatchFile: miktex-tools.patch PatchFile-MD5: 5260d15a13fab383016f39d0eb1a2e35 License: GPL Depends: libpng14-shlibs BuildDepends: tetex-base, fink (>= 0.24.12), libpng14, cmake GCC: 4.0 BuildDependsOnly: False UseMaxBuildJobs: false CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%p -DCMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR=%p/lib -DNO_GUI=1 .. make << ConfigureParams: --disable-dependency-tracking --mandir=%p/share/man LIBCURL_CPPFLAGS="-I." InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev cd build make install DESTDIR=%d << DocFiles: README Description: MiKTeX package manager tools DescDetail: << The MiKTeX Tools package does not comprise a TeX system. The package should be regarded as an addition to the TeX system installed on your system. The following utilities are included: - initexmf: MiKTeX Configuration Utility - mpm: MiKTeX Package Manager - mthelp: MiKTeX Help Utility (experimental) If you get any errors that say "locale name not valid", set your LANG to 'C' like this: $ LANG=C mpm --version This will fix the problem. << DescUsage: << By default, mpm installs its packages into %p/share/texmf-local or wherever the TeX environment variable $TEXMFLOCAL points to. You can determine this directory with the shell command kpsewhich --expand-var '$TEXMFLOCAL' You can override the default by using the option --install-root with the mpm command. << DescPackaging: << BuildDependsOnly: False, because some private headers are included. The dylibs are purely local, so no shlibs splitoff is needed. Since somewhere between 2.6 and 2.8, the tools package was merged with the original package, so since version 2.8-3541 this package downloads all of miktex (but only compiles miktex-tools). The cmake script makes sure only miktex-tools is built on non-win32. About the patch: lynx is required by the cmake file, but we remove it, because it doesn't seem to be required here. Also, malloc.h inclusions are removed as MacOS doesn't have it (malloc is in stdlib.h), and the 64-bit function wrappers will simply use the native functions in Mac standard C library as they are 64-bit by themselves. << DescPort: << The LIBCURL_CPPFLAGS configure hack prevents %p/include to appear too early on the compiler line. << Maintainer: Sjors Gielen Homepage: