Package: python-bibtex Version: 1.2.4 Revision: 2 Description: BibTeX parser and binding to GNU Recode License: GPL Maintainer: None BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.32) RuntimeDepends: fink-obsolete-packages, python-bibtex-py26 (>= %v-1) Source: none CompileScript: # InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/doc/installed-packages touch %i/share/doc/installed-packages/%n << Homepage: DescDetail: << This Python extension contains a BibTeX parser and a simple binding to the GNU Recode library. They are intended to be used with Pybliographer. << DescUsage: << As of version 1.2.4, the package became varianted packages named python-bibtex-pyXX for individual pythonX.X versions. The old python-bibtex, which was implicitly for python2.5 was thus a dummy upgrader to the new python-bibtex-py25. Now updated to the py26 variant as upstream python25 is EOL'ed. <<