Package: diffconvert Version: 1.3 Revision: 1001 GCC: 4.0 Maintainer: Ben Hines Source: Source-MD5: ba562a11577a84de14b5b7dc9ded054a CompileScript: << make -f Makefile-c++ << InstallScript: << /usr/bin/install -d %i/bin /usr/bin/install -s -m 755 ud2cd cd2ud cdiffreverse udiffreverse %i/bin << DocFiles: README COPYING Description: Tools to convert diff file formats DescDetail: << This package contains four programs for converting diffs. Diff files are created by GNU diff and accepted as input by GNU patch. The two most common forms are "context diffs" and "unidiffs". ud2cd converts a unidiff (input) to a context diff (output). cd2ud converts a context diff (input) to a unidiff (output). cdiffreverse reverses a context diff. cdiffreverse reverses a unidiff. << License: GPL Homepage: