Package: foomatic-filters Version: 3.0.2 Revision: 1 Description: Universal printer filter script DescUsage: << To get CUPS to find the foomatic-rip script, use the "finkcups" command installed by ghostscript-esp: sudo %p/sbin/finkcups add If you've already run "finkcups add" previously, you may want to run "finkcups remove" first then "finkcups add". When removed, this package will run "finkcups remove" automatically. << DescPackaging: Previously maintained by Daniel Johnson Source: Source-MD5: f0f4c90fa0ae346f53bf19a165e071a6 Depends: ghostscript-esp ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --with-file-converter=enscript InstallScript: make install-main install-cups DESTDIR=%d PreRmScript: [ -x %p/sbin/finkcups -a -L /usr/libexec/cups/filter/foomatic-rip ] && %p/sbin/finkcups remove DocFiles: ChangeLog COPYING README TODO USAGE Maintainer: None License: GPL Homepage: