Package: gfslogger Version: 0.9 Revision: 1 ### Source: Source-MD5: 0b7fee97417d47cc1ef80243c40130b9 SourceDirectory: gfslogger ### DocFiles: APSL GPL README ### Maintainer: Hans-Christoph Steiner HomePage: License: DFSG-Approved Description: Displays all filesystem changes ### CompileScript: << gcc -o gfslogger gfslogger.c << InstallScript: << install -d %i/bin install -p %b/gfslogger %i/bin << ### DescDetail: << This is a program I wrote after needing to use the same eventing mechanism in Mac OS X 10.4 used by Spotlight. It is functionally an exact clone of fslogger by Amit Singh. I wrote it in response to his utility when I realized that his source was not free and Apple provided no documentation on this exciting feature. gfslogger is mostly just a demonstration of how to subscribe to events, it performs no other function than displaying the events as they happen. <<