Package: hpijs Version: 2.8.7 Revision: 1 Description: HP printer drivers DescDetail: << Official open source version of HP's printer drivers. This package contains drivers for many printers that aren't otherwise supported on Mac OS X and usually produce higher quality output than other open source alternatives like Gimp-Print/Gutenprint. << DescUsage: << To get CUPS to find the hpijs drivers, use the "finkcups" command installed by ghostscript-esp: sudo %p/sbin/finkcups add If you've already run "finkcups add" previously, you may want to run "finkcups remove" first then "finkcups add". When removed, this package will run "finkcups remove" automatically. << DescPackaging: Previously maintained by Daniel Johnson Source: mirror:sourceforge:hplip/hplip-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 011593f03603f10259eb2fa41b1d64f2 Depends: ghostscript-esp, foomatic-filters, libjpeg-shlibs BuildDepends: libjpeg PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's,NONE|/usr/local,%p,g' prnt/hpijs/foomatic-rip-hplip ConfigureParams: << --enable-hpijs-only-build \ --enable-foomatic-ppd-install \ --disable-foomatic-xml-install \ --with-hpppddir=%p/share/cups/model \ --with-cupsfilterdir=%p/lib/cups/filter \ --disable-dependency-tracking << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d #/bin/rm -r %i/lib /bin/rm -r %i/share/hplip /bin/ln -s hplip-%v %i/share/doc/%n-%v << PreRmScript: [ -x %p/sbin/finkcups -a -L /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/HP-2000C-hpijs.ppd.gz ] && %p/sbin/finkcups remove Maintainer: None License: BSD Homepage: