# DISCLAIMER: Max Horn is the sole maintainer of this package. # Please DO NOT MAKE MODIFICATIONS without informing the maintainer. # Preferably, send a patch to me instead of making changes yourself! # If that is not possible due to extra urgency, at least send me a mail. # # Explanation: I am sick and tired of getting back to my packages and # discovering that people have messed with it. I am then forced to # retrace their steps, find out who, when and why did make a certain # change etc. -- i.e. it makes my life as maintainer harder. # Furthermore, as maintainer I am responsible for problems caused by my # packages. But I am not willing to take responsibility for something I # did not do. In particular, for changes that other people introduced # behind my back, no matter how good and noble their intentions were. As # such, I may see myself forced to drop responsibility for (and hence, # maintainership of) the affected package. Package: proctools Version: 0.4pre1 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Max Horn Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 714e4350749c680a7806635632d524b1 PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: b17c1d4f4c0913c2ed7fd8a9eed2480e CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -ex cc -Wall -c -o proctools.o proctools/proctools.c cc -Wall -c -o fmt.o proctools/fmt.c for tool in pkill pfind pgrep ; do cc -Wall -c -o $tool.o $tool/$tool.c cc $tool.o proctools.o fmt.o -o $tool/$tool cd $tool && soelim $tool.1 > ../$tool.1 && cd .. done << InstallScript: << #!/bin/bash -ex install -d %i/bin install -d %i/share/man/man1 for tool in pkill pfind pgrep ; do install -m 0755 $tool/$tool %i/bin install -m 0644 $tool.1 %i/share/man/man1/ done << DocFiles: README LICENSE # Description: Scan for and send signals to processes DescDetail: << The proctools are text-based utilities to scan for and send signals to processes. Includes pgrep, pkill and pfind for OpenBSD and Darwin. << DescPackaging: << The included Makefile is for BSD Make, and not compatible with GNU Make. To overcome this, we simply compile the source files directly. << License: BSD Homepage: http://proctools.sourceforge.net/