Package: vcf2csv Version: 0.6 Revision: 1 License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Hans-Christoph Steiner # Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n/%n-%v/%n-%v-201011061941-src-bin.tgz Source-MD5: fdec9af76f506accb685c824fce19b9b SourceDirectory: %n-%v-201011061941-src-bin/ # PatchScript: << cp %b/Makefile %b/Makefile.old cat %b/Makefile.old | /usr/bin/sed 's|/usr|%i|' > %b/Makefile << CompileScript: << /usr/bin/make all << InstallScript: << install -d %i/bin install -d %i/share/man/man1 /usr/bin/make TARGET=%i/bin install /usr/bin/printf '#!/bin/sh\n%p/bin/vcf2csv -w $@\n' > %i/bin/vcf2html chmod a+x %i/bin/vcf2html ln -s vcf2csv.1.gz %i/share/man/man1/vcf2html.1.gz << DocFiles: README gpl.txt Description: Command line tool to convert vcard files DescDetail: << vcf2csv is a command line tool to convert vcard files to html or csv. Thus you may call it vcf2html also. The input source is a regular file and the output is written to stdout. The program is written in ANSI-C and should be compiled smoothly on most systems. The output is generated in two steps: First, the whole input file is parsed to identify all used types in all vcards. A type is a data field like "CLASS", "EMAIL", "ADR;TYPE=home" and so on. Thus all used types do appear in the output. Second, the file is parsed again: each particular vcard included in the file is read. Once all values of this vcard are assinged to their corresponding type, it is written to stdout immediately. While reading the values there may be done some conversions: as described in rfc2426 (2.6) a line "[...] longer than 75 characters SHOULD be folded according to the folding procedure described in [MIME DIR]." If a folded line is detected, the new line characted '\n' is converted to the text value "\n". If you want to ommit some types you can use a drop list. For example: vcf2csv -d 'ADR;,PHOTO;VERSION;' -i vcards.vcf -w > output.html This example ommits all types containing the string "ADR;", "PHOTO;" or "VERSION;" and creates a simple html file displaying your vcards in a table, each by a single row. <<