Package: vcfconvert Version: 0.8.6 Revision: 1 License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Hans-Christoph Steiner # Source: Source-MD5: 1f9962e0908ea29a201d5aa5d0085ac1 # PatchScript: << /usr/bin/sed -i.bak "s|require_once('|require_once('%p/share/%n/|" %b/*.php %b/*.sh << CompileScript: << << InstallScript: << install -d %i/bin install -m755 %b/ %i/bin/%n install -d %i/share/%n install -m755 %b/*.php %i/share/%n/ install -m644 %b/*.html %i/share/%n/ install -m644 %b/*.jpg %i/share/%n/ << DocFiles: README.txt test.vcf Description: Contact vCard to LDIF/CSV Converter DescDetail: << A script and a PHP web page that provides a vCard to LDIF/CSV Converter. You can use it to export Apple's Address Book to Mozilla Thunderbird. Simply drag all contacts from the Address Book to your desktop and upload the created vCard file. To run this converter just copy all files to a webserver directory where PHP is installed and enabled. Open your browser and type in the URL of your webserver with the according folder. By default, file uploads up to 2MB are allowed. Commandline version ------------------ This package also includes a shell script to invoke the converter from the command line. PHP is also required to be installed on your machine. Just copy the files anywhere on your disk, open a terminal and type the following commands: > vcfconvert -f ldif -o destination_file.ldif source_file.vcf or > vcfconvert -hv -f csv -d ";" -o destination_file.csv source_file.vcf To get information about optinal parameters, type > vcfconvert help This script is licensed under the GNU GPL a copy of which has been provided. <<