Package: openmcu Version: 2.2.1 Revision: 3 Distribution: 10.4, 10.5 Maintainer: None BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.9.12), expat1, openh323-1, pwlib1, sdl Depends: openh323-1-shlibs, pwlib1-shlibs Source: mirror:sourceforge:/openh323/%n-v2_2_1-src.tar.gz Source-MD5: 2808c6d4c95010851146001083357955 Source2: Source2-MD5: 863b11fa83ea0a13be81a9ae39f7606d SourceDirectory: %n_v2_2_1 PatchScript: << gunzip -c ../%n_%v-1.diff.gz | sed -e '1,/@DPATCH@/d' -e '\Xdebian/controlX,$d' -e 's,^[+],,' | patch -p1 # hoping this way the executable can find the .wav files perl -pi -e 's,[a-z]*.wav,%p/share/%n/$&,' main.cxx # for stripping _ cf LDFLAGS echo '__mh_execute_header' > symlst << NoSetLDFLAGS: true SetLDFLAGS: -Wl,-x -exported_symbols_list symlst -dead_strip NoSetCPPFLAGS: true SetCFLAGS: -O3 -fstrict-aliasing -mdynamic-no-pic CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export CPATH=%p/include/openh323:%p/include make OPENH323DIR=%p/share/openh323 OH323_LIBDIR=%p/lib NOTRACE=1 opt # re-link with just -lh323 -lpt on the link line, to avoid bloated load commands. if [ "%m" == "powerpc" ] ; then c++ -o obj_Darwin_ppc_n/%n -Wl,-x -exported_symbols_list symlst -dead_strip -L%p/lib -lh323 -lpt obj_Darwin_ppc_n/*.o else c++ -o obj_Darwin_x86_n/%n -Wl,-x -exported_symbols_list symlst -dead_strip -L%p/lib -lh323 -lpt obj_Darwin_x86_n/*.o fi << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev install -d %i/bin if [ "%m" == "powerpc" ] ; then install -m 755 ./obj_Darwin_ppc_n/openmcu %i/bin else install -m 755 ./obj_Darwin_x86_n/openmcu %i/bin fi install -d %i/share/man/man1 install -m 644 openmcu.1 %i/share/man/man1 install -d %i/share/%n install -m 644 *.wav %i/share/%n << DocFiles: ChangeLog ReadMe.txt mpl-1.0.htm Description: H.323 conferencing server based on OpenH323 DescDetail: << openmcu is a simple Multi Conference Unit using the H.323 protocol. It sets up a H.323 listener process, and then waits for incoming connections. Whenever an incoming connection is established, it adds that call to the specified conference or to the default one if none is specified. << DescPort: << quick update _ functionality not tested. There are still a couple of files [e.g.,, openmcu.{gif,ico}, server.pem (for %p/etc/ssl ??)] I don't know what to do about ... openh323-1 and openmcu should be updated to the latest versions on and/or (as long as ekiga can still use pwlib, as well as openh323's plugins). << Homepage: License: OSI-Approved