Package: sha-pm581 Version: 1.2 Revision: 4 Architecture: powerpc Distribution: 10.4 Type: perl 5.8.1 UpdatePOD: true Replaces: sha-pm (<= 1.2-2), sha-pm560, sha-pm580 BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.13.0-1) Depends: perl581-core PostInstScript: << rm -rf %p/lib/perl5/darwin/auto/SHA/ rm -f %p/lib/perl5/darwin/ rm -f %p/lib/perl5/darwin/SHA.pod rm -f %p/lib/perl5/darwin/ << Source: Source-MD5: 07776186d3105f565b606e59aa896c82 SourceDirectory: egd-0.8/SHA-%v DocFiles: README Description: Perl interface to the NIST Secure Hash Algorithm DescDetail: << The Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) was developed by NIST and is specified in the Secure Hash Standard (SHS, FIPS 180). SHA-1 is a revision to this version and was published in 1994. It is also described in the ANSI X9.30 (part 2) standard. SHA-1 produces a 160-bit (20 byte) message digest. Although slower than MD5, this larger digest size makes it stronger against brute force attacks. << Maintainer: None License: Artistic