Package: tla-tools Version: 0.2004.p90 Revision: 2 Description: Useful tools for working with GNU Arch License: GPL Maintainer: None Depends: sed, gawk, coreutils, arch-tla Source: Source-MD5: 73986054ddf76b34187cffa5736161da SourceDirectory: %n PatchScript: << head -n8 hdr.shpp > LICENSE << DocFiles: LICENSE Homepage: DescDetail: << A collection of useful shell scripts for working with the GNU Arch (tla) revision control system. << DescUsage: << The main user commands in tla-tools are: tla-switch Switches an arch project tree's current branch to another branch, changing the actual source files to match (unlike the builtin tla command tla set-tree-version) tla-fork Makes a new arch branch forking off the current branch in a project tree, and makes that the tree's current branch. tla-cvs-sync Does bi-directional gatewaying of an arch branch with a CVS branch. tla-svn-sync Does bi-directional gatewaying of an arch branch with a Subversion branch. tla-update-ids Goes through a project tree, and automatically adds or updates taglines and explicit id-tags. tla-file-log Outputs arch changeset logs which affect a specified file. tla-fix-changelog-conflicts Looks through a project tree for ChangeLog.rej files (containing conflicts from merging changes to the ChangeLog file), and tries to automatically fix them up, using a simple rule. tla-copy-changes Copies changesets from one arch branch to another. tla-partner Runs a tla command using the "partner version" of a project tree (defined by the contents of the file {arch}/+partner). Some other handy commands include: tla-changelogs-to-log Turns any changes in (GNU-style) ChangeLog files in a project tree into a single log text appropriate for including in a tla commit log. tla-commit-merge Does a tla commit with a log text appropriate for a merge: the Summary: line mentions the merged version, and the body is the output of tla log-for-merge filtered through tla-abbrev-merge-log. tla-abbrev-merge-log A filter for the output of tla log-for-merge which replace repetitive sequences of entries with an abbreviated form. tla-log-to-cvs-log Converts an arch changeset commit log into a compact form suitable for including in a CVS commit log. tla-fork-archive Forks branches from one archive into another. tla-munge-archive-names Destructively modify an arch archive to change the names of arch categories/branches/versions << DescPackaging: << Previous version by Lars Rosengreen. << DescPort: << Patch is just the license. Source fetched by doing the following with tla: tla register-archive tla get Figuring out what to put for fink's version field is a bit of a challenge, as there isn't something that can be easily identified as a simple upstream version. This seems the best option: upstream-version.archive-year.patch-number 0.2004.p67 Debian pacakges tla-tools with a version like this: 2004.0.patch.67, which seems backwards and a little wasteful of space -- it would be nice to keep the version under 10 chars in length, so a ``fink list'' shows the whole thing. <<