Package: gtans Version: 1.2 Revision: 3 Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 067d8bd1d5534b39316bdb4e689a6c40 Depends: glib-shlibs, gtk+-shlibs, libgettext3-shlibs BuildDepends: glib, gtk+, libgettext3-dev, gettext-tools PatchScript: perl -pi -e "s,/usr,/sw,;s,-O2,-I%p/include -Os,;s,-lm,-L%p/lib -lm," makefile && perl -pi -e "s,/man/man,/share/man/man,g" misc/Makefile CompileScript: make InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING HISTORY License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Jack Fink Description: Tangram (puzzle) game using GTK+ DescDetail: << The Tangram is a Chinese puzzle where the player has to arrange a set of pieces to match a given shape. All the pieces must be used and should not be laid on top of one another. The pieces are five triangles, a square and a parallelogram. gtans contains more than 380 figures to play with. It uses the mouse to control pieces. gtans is highly customizable using the interface. <<