Package: opencity Version: Revision: 1 Architecture: powerpc Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%vstable.tar.bz2 Source-MD5: 929fbe1c305dc0344c9915d8eb6c4dbc SourceDirectory: %n-0.0.6stable License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Pierre-Henri Lavigne Description: 3D City Simulator DescDetail: << Full 3D city simulator game project inspired from FreeReign. It is written in standard C++ with OpenGL and SDL from scratch. At the meaning time, you can build roads, electric lines, electric plant, trees and the three standard RCI zones. Many other features will be implemented in the future. The goal is producing a SimCity 2000 like even if SimCity is an old game concept. But we love that old city simulation game concept. << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING COPYRIGHT ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README TODO BuildDepends: libpng3, sdl-image, sdl-mixer, sdl-net, sdl, x11-dev Depends: libpng3-shlibs, sdl-image-shlibs, sdl-mixer-shlibs, sdl-net-shlibs, sdl-shlibs, x11-shlibs setCPPFLAGS: -I/usr/X11R6/include -I%p/include setLDFLAGS: -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L%p/lib -lX11 PatchScript: << perl -pi -e 's,glTexImage3DEXT,glTexImage3D,g' src/extensionmanager.cpp perl -pi -e 's,glTexImage3DEXT,glTexImage3D,g' src/extensionmanager.h perl -pi -e 's,glTexImage3DEXT,glTexImage3D,g' src/texture.cpp << ConfFiles: %p/etc/%n/config/opencity.xml ConfigureParams: --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-sdltest