Package: camlp5 Description: Preprocessor-pretty-printer of Ocaml DescDetail: << Camlp5 is a preprocessor-pretty-printer of Ocaml. It is the continuation of the classical camlp4 with new features. It is compatible with OCaml versions from 3.08.0 to 3.12 included. << Version: 5.14 Revision: 1 Homepage: Maintainer: Bruno De Fraine Source: Source-MD5: dacee4ab14b4ba23ff7c5dc936ef7c3d Depends: ocaml (<= 3.12.0) CompileScript: << ./configure --prefix %p --mandir %p/share/man make world.opt << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: CHANGES DEVEL ICHANGES LICENSE README UPGRADING License: OSI-Approved