Package: chicken Version: 2.6 Revision: 1 Description: Compiler for the Scheme programming language License: BSD Depends: %n-shlibs (= %v-%r) Homepage: Maintainer: Sebastian Gonzalez Source: Source-MD5: 332edae079bb34d815369f4ba5181983 BuildDependsOnly: False InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i mandir=%i/share/man infodir=%i/share/info mkdir -p %i/share/doc/ mv %i/share/%n/doc %i/share/doc/%n << SplitOff: << Description: chicken shared libraries Package: %N-shlibs Files: lib/libchicken.*.dylib lib/libuchicken.*.dylib Shlibs: << %p/lib/libchicken.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 2.6-1) %p/lib/libuchicken.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 2.6-1) << DocFiles: README LICENSE << DescDetail: << Chicken is a compiler for the Scheme programming language. Chicken produces portable, efficient C, supports almost all of the current Scheme language standard, R5RS and includes many enhancements and extensions. << DescPackaging: << Header files have not been put into a separate 'dev' splitoff since they are needed for the normal operation of the Chicken Scheme compiler (csc); csc generates intermediate C code that relies on those headers. <<