Package: dtdparser Version: 1.21 Revision: 1 BuildDepends: ant Source: PatchScript: /usr/bin/find classes -name '*.class' -delete CompileScript: ant build createdoc InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -r doc %i/share/doc/%n/html << DocFiles: LICENSE README JarFiles: *.jar Description: Java DTD Parser DescDetail: << DTD parsers for Java seem to be pretty scarce. That's probably because DTD isn't valid XML. At some point, if/when XML Schema becomes widely accepted, no one will need DTD parsers anymore. Until then, you can use this library to parse a DTD. << DescPort: profile.d scripts to add the jars to the CLASSPATH DescPackaging: << Previous versions (<=1.15-1) by Sylvain Cuaz. - rm classes otherwise the classes are not compiled ATM the install target is not supported << Homepage: Maintainer: None License: LGPL Source-MD5: 5b14ede6eb13656ff2918534ed2d0437