Info2: << Package: libircclient-qt-%type_pkg[qt] Version: 0.3.2 Revision: 1 Type: qt (x11 mac) Description: IRC client library for Qt applications License: LGPL Maintainer: Sjors Gielen Depends: qt4-%type_pkg[qt]-core-shlibs, %N-shlibs (>= %v-1) BuildDepends: qt4-%type_pkg[qt], fink (>= 0.24.12) Source: Source-MD5: c825f9b5a62f8c214f328c92ba623ea7 SourceDirectory: libircclient-qt-%v PatchFile: libircclient-qt.patch PatchFile-MD5: f3964242759040d01071cca8f90eee9e SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/lib/qt4-%type_pkg[qt]/include SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib/qt4-%type_pkg[qt]/lib -Wl,-install_name,%p/lib/qt4-%type_pkg[qt]/lib CompileScript: << #! /bin/sh -ev unset QMAKESPEC export QTDIR=%p/lib/qt4-%type_pkg[qt] export PATH="$QTDIR/bin:$PATH" # -config no_icu is not implemented in 0.3.2, but once the next version comes # out, the PatchFile can be removed which does the same thing $QTDIR/bin/qmake -config no_icu -config release make << InstallScript: << #! /bin/sh -ev export QTINSTDIR="%i/lib/qt4-%type_pkg[qt]" mkdir -p $QTINSTDIR/lib $QTINSTDIR/include %i/share/doc/%N/doc cp -R include $QTINSTDIR/include mv $QTINSTDIR/include/include $QTINSTDIR/include/ircclient-qt cp -R lib/* $QTINSTDIR/lib cp -R doc %i/share/doc/%N install_name_tool -id %p/lib/qt4-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/libircclient-qt.1.dylib \ %i/lib/qt4-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/libircclient-qt.1.0.0.dylib << DocFiles: AUTHORS CHANGELOG COPYING INSTALL README TODO VERSION SplitOff: << Package: %N-shlibs Depends: qt4-%type_pkg[qt]-core-shlibs Files: lib/qt4-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/libircclient-qt.1*.dylib Shlibs: %p/lib/qt4-%type_pkg[qt]/lib/libircclient-qt.1.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 0.3.2-1) Description: IRC client library for Qt applications -- shared library DocFiles: AUTHORS CHANGELOG COPYING INSTALL README TODO VERSION << SplitOff2: << Package: %N-doc Files: share/doc/%N/doc Description: IRC client library for Qt applications -- documentation << <<