Package: babelfish-pm581 Version: 0.11 Revision: 1 Architecture: powerpc Distribution: 10.4 Maintainer: Jeremy Erwin Depends: libwww-pm581, io-string-pm BuildDepends: perl581-core, fink (>= 0.24.12-1) Replaces: babelfish-pm (<= 0.11-1) Source: mirror:cpan:modules/by-module/WWW/DURIST/WWW-Babelfish-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 99515fcf6f64090abc852ac39a267e71 UpdatePOD: true NoPerlTests: true PatchFile: babelfish-pm.patch PatchFile-MD5: 4da48b9d5824c18a5f6eb38cfa95f948 Type: perl 5.8.1 DocFiles: README TODO MANIFEST Changes Description: Perl5 interface to babelfish DescDetail: << This module is a simple perl front-end to the Babelfish translation server. It's more fun than useful, but it might have a place in IRC/talk clients or perhaps a translating web proxy. It makes an attempt at breaking longer pieces of text up into chunks that Babelfish can handle and then reassembling them. << License: Artistic Homepage: