Package: http-dav-pm581 Version: 0.31 Revision: 1 Architecture: powerpc Distribution: 10.4 Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/P/PC/PCOLLINS/HTTP-DAV-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 00f37d225326498756bbdbb93312cac9 BuildDepends: perl581-core, fink (>= 0.20.1-1) Depends: libwww-pm581, xml-dom-pm581 Replaces: http-dav-pm (<= 0.31-1) Type: perl 5.8.1 UpdatePOD: true DocFiles: Changes MANIFEST README TODO Description: WebDAV module & client DescDetail: << Includes: * HTTP::DAV - an object-oriented Web-DAV client API. * dave - the DAV Explorer, an end-user Unix console program for interacting with WebDAV servers. dave looks and feels like a standard Unix ftp program. << License: GPL Maintainer: Ben Hines Homepage: