Info2: << Package: rubyosa-rb%type_pkg[ruby] Version: 0.4.0 Revision: 2 Type: ruby (1.8) Description: Apple Event Manager infrastructure bridge License: BSD Maintainer: Benjamin Reed Depends: << libxml2-rb%type_pkg[ruby] (>= 0.3.8-1), libgems-rb%type_pkg[ruby], ruby%type_pkg[ruby] << BuildDepends: << libxml2-rb%type_pkg[ruby] (>= 0.3.8-1), rubygems-rb%type_pkg[ruby], ruby%type_pkg[ruby]-dev << BuildConflicts: distcc-default Source: Source-MD5: 175440298a414c4a8d185f8459364a97 CompileScript: %p/bin/ruby%type_raw[ruby] extconf.rb; make InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d install -d -m 755 %i/share/doc/%N mv sample %i/share/doc/%N/ install -d -m 755 %i/bin install -c -m 755 bin/rdoc-osa %i/bin/ perl -pi -e 's,/usr/bin/env ruby,%p/bin/ruby%type_raw[ruby],' %i/bin/rdoc-osa << DescDetail: << RubyOSA is a bridge that connects Ruby to the Apple Event Manager infrastructure. In big words, it allows you to do in Ruby what you could do in AppleScript. It works by retrieving the scriptable definition of a given application and populating a new namespace with classes, methods, constants, enumerations, and all other elements described by the terminology. More specifically, most Mac OS X applications are scriptable, and they define their scriptable interface in an XML format. RubyOSA parses this file and creates the Ruby API on the fly. This API will do the necessary AppleEvent work transparently for you (building and sending events). << Homepage: <<