Package: blitz Version: 0.9 Revision: 2 Description: C++ class library for scientific computing License: Artistic/GPL HomePage: Maintainer: None BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1) Depends: pkgconfig ( >= 0.20.1 ) BuildDependsOnly: True Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-MD5: 031df2816c73e2d3bd6d667bbac19eca PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 40b23ac3059c1717065377d5862c3ea7 GCC: 4.0 ConfigureParams: --infodir=%p/share/info CXX=g++ --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-doxygen InstallScript: << # install library make install DESTDIR=%d # create doc dir mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n/html # install pdf/ps docs mv %i/share/doc/%n-%v/*.pdf %i/share/doc/%n/ mv %i/share/doc/%n-%v/*.ps %i/share/doc/%n/ # install html docs in the correct dir (without doxygen) rm -rf %i/share/doc/%n-%v/doxygen find %i/share/doc/%n-%v/ -type f -name *.md5 -exec rm -f {} \; mv %i/share/doc/%n-%v/* %i/share/doc/%n/html/ # install examples mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n/examples cp -R examples/* %i/share/doc/%n/examples/ mv %i/share/doc/%n/examples/Makefile.fink %i/share/doc/%n/examples/Makefile rm -f %i/share/doc/%n/examples/Makefile.* # now do the cleanup of the nonstandard doc dir rm -rf %i/share/doc/%n-%v << InfoTest: << TestScript: << make check-testsuite || exit 2 << << DocFiles: README COPYING LEGAL AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS InfoDocs: DescDetail: << Blitz++ is a C++ class library for scientific computing which provides performance on par with Fortran 77/90. It uses template techniques to achieve high performance. The current versions provide dense arrays and vectors, random number generators, and small vectors and matrices. DescPackaging: << doxygen docfile generation disabled Previously maintained by Michael Wild . << <<