Package: cdo Version: Revision: 1 Description: Climate Data Operators HomePage: License: GPL Maintainer: None # Prerequisites Depends: hdf5-shlibs (>=1.6.4-1002), netcdf-shlibs (>=3.6.0-1002), szip-shlibs BuildDepends: hdf5 (>=1.6.4-1002), netcdf (>=3.6.0-1002), szip # Patch # None # Unpack Phase: Source: Source-MD5: dcc309b160b8117419374c70290d9773 # Compile Phase: SetLDFLAGS: -flat_namespace -undefined suppress ConfigureParams: --prefix=%p --with-netcdf=%p --with-hdf5=%p --disable-dependency-tracking --with-szlib=%p # Install Phase: DocFiles: INSTALL README OPERATORS NEWS AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog doc/*.pdf DescDetail: << CDO is a collection of command line Operators to manipulate and analyse Climate Data files. Supported file formats are GRIB, netCDF, SERVICE and EXTRA. There are more than 200 operators available. The following table gives a short overview about the main categories. -File information (info, sinfo, diff, ...) -File operations (copy, cat, merge, split*, ...) -Selection (selcode, selvar, sellevel, seltimestep, ...) -Missing values (setctomiss, setmisstoc, setrtomiss) -Arithmetic (add, sub, mul, div, ...) -Mathematical functions (sqrt, exp, log, sin, cos, ...) -Comparision (eq, ne, le, lt, ge, gt, ...) -Conditions (ifthen, ifnotthen, ifthenc, ifnotthenc) -Field statistic (fldsum, fldavg, fldstd, fldmin, fldmax, ...) -Vertical statistic (vertsum, vertavg, vertstd, vertmin, ...) -Time range statistic (timavg, yearavg, monavg, dayavg, ...) -Field interpolation (remapbil, remapcon, remapdis, ...) -Vertical interpolation (ml2pl, ml2hl) -Time interpolation (inttime, intyear) <<