Package: cgraph Version: 2.04 Revision: 3 Source: Source-MD5: fbb9ca11264f003eacc62358f3e8f5c6 SourceDirectory: chooch BuildDependsOnly: false CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -efv cd %n-%v ./configure --prefix=%p --libdir=%p/lib/cgraph --includedir=%p/include/cgraph make << InstallScript: << #!/bin/bash -efv cd %n-%v make install DESTDIR=%d << Maintainer: W. G. Scott License: Public Domain Description: Postscript plotting library in C DescDetail: << This is a C source code library that contains a set of C functions that generate PostScript for publication quality scientific plots. It is possible to launch automatically on generated PS/EPS files. The Cgraph Library source code, examples, and documentation are in the public domain. Why do we want something like this, when Mac and Windows apps can finally produce nice plots? Those GUI apps are OK for small number of plots, but if you ever need to plot tens or hundreds of similarly formatted graphs fast, GUIs become very tedius. Also, if you need to generate plots automatically, e.g., those stock price charts updated every tens of minutes available from some Web sites, a program that incorporates this library may be used to generate EPS files from current data, which can be piped into Ghostscript (or DPS) to update GIF images without manual intervention. << Homepage: