Package: dome Version: 4.80 Revision: 1002 Source: Source-MD5: c4cff0b42114271a4d3930cc389fdf99 SourceDirectory: %n-%v.orig GCC: 4.0 PatchScript: perl -pi -e "s,-g,-Os," Makefile dxftpov/Makefile CompileScript: make && cd dxftpov && make InstallScript: mkdir -p %i/bin && cp dome dxftpov/dxftopov %i/bin/ DocFiles: COPYING* README Homepage: ## original homepage/download url don't exist anymore. Maintainer: Jack Fink License: GPL Description: Calculates and draws geodesic domes DescDetail: << DOME is a program which calculates the properties of a geodesic dome symmetry triangle. DOME calculates spherical vertex coordinates, symmetry triangle topological abundance, and chord factors. DOME supports class I (alternate) and class II (triacon) breakdowns for Icosahedron, Octahedron and Tetrahedron polyhedron types. DOME also supports "Buckyball" formations as well as elliptical geodesics & geodesic parabolic dishes. <<