Package: dx-hdf5 Version: 0.4.5 Revision: 1000 Source: Source-MD5: 0946bc46ae70a3848a26899ed7b03da3 Depends: hdf5-shlibs, dx (>=4.3.2-3), szip-shlibs BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1), hdf5, szip PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: c48db67bb313be9652574c36ce8fdbbe GCC:4.0 DocFiles: README AUTHORS NEWS LICENSE Description: Modules for importing hdf5 files into opendx ConfigureParams: --with-hdf5-incdir=%p/include --datadir=%p/share/dx InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d << DescDetail: << The package contains two OpenDX modules: The ImportHDF5Field module imports a field or a slab of a field from an HDF5 file. The field can be either scalar or vector and must be described on a regular grid. The ImportHDF5Species module imports from an HDF5 file particles which satisfy the user's conditions. << DescUsage:<< The script %p/bin/dxhd5 automatically loads the hdf5 module description files. Sample nets are located in %p/share/dx/samples/moduleTryOut. Run dx from that directory-- certain sample filenames are hard coded into the sample programs. << DescPort:<< Changed the install locations to comply with fink. Rewrote some of the scripts to take advantage of these new locations. << License: Restrictive/Distributable Maintainer: Jeremy Erwin Homepage: