Package: dx-samples Version: 4.4.0 Revision: 1000 Source: Source-MD5: e8f43722ca0a66282608bded7c0e4f93 Depends: dx (>= 4.4.0-1000) BuildDepends: dx (>= 4.4.0-1000) GCC:4.0 SetCXX:g++-4.0 ConfigureParams: --without-javadx --prefix=%p/share InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d License: OSI-Approved Description: Sample data and tutorials for use with dx DescDetail: << Contains sample programs and data for use with Open Visualisation Data Explorer. The tutorial included with dx takes advantage of data files included in this package. << DescPort: << Some files were edited to take advantage of DESTDIR flag. Added example makefiles in the 'user' directory for building loadable and inboard modules. << Homepage: Maintainer: Jeremy Erwin