Package: garlic Version: 1.6 Revision: 2 Depends: x11, x11-shlibs BuildDepends: x11-dev Source: Source-MD5: 5fac1f13733d9700925a0cb9a407c651 PatchScript: perl -pi -e 's,-O3,-Os,g' Makefile && perl -pi -e "s,/etc,%p/etc,g" AUTHOR.README IMPORTANT_FILES.README open_config_file.c print_help.c read_config.c CompileScript: make InstallScript: mkdir -p %i/bin && cp -p garlic %i/bin/ DocFiles: AUTHOR.README COPYING BUGS ENVIRONMENT HISTORY IMPORTANT_FILES.README README TODO License: GPL Homepage: Maintainer: Jack Fink Description: Visualization program for biomolecules DescDetail: << Garlic is written for the investigation of membrane proteins. It may be used to visualize other proteins, as well as some geometric objects. This version of garlic recognizes PDB format version 2.1. Garlic may also be used to analyze protein sequences. It only depends on the X libraries, no other libraries are needed. <<