Info2: << Package: gen2shp Version: 0.3.1 Revision: 1 Homepage: License: LGPL Maintainer: BABA Yoshihiko Description: ArcInfo Generate to Shapefile conversion DescDetail: << gen2shp is a simple C-Progam which can read the format required by the ArcInfo generate command. The data in this file will be converted to the shapefile format which actually means to three files: .shp, .shx and .dbf. << Depends: << shapelib-shlibs << BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.24.12), shapelib-dev << Source: Source-MD5: 1cf9f1c2097825ef96290f7e9a7eb195 CompileScript: << make CFLAGS="-I%p/include -I%p/include/libshp -L%p/lib" << InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/bin cp %n %i/bin << DocFiles: COPYING <<