Package: gshhs-hires Version: 2.1.1 Revision: 1 Source: Source2: Source-MD5: 603c802f4408e33db974508ebc647ef9 Source2-MD5: 78e23d1444452fa8ddc9b67e2ad89a01 Replaces: gmt-coast Recommends: gmt SourceDirectory: . CompileScript: echo "Moving files..." InstallScript: << mkdir -p %i/share/gmt mv share/coast %i/share/gmt << Description: GSHHS shorelines, rivers, borders (high res) DescDetail: << This package provides two high-resolution versions of the GSHHS (Global Self-consistant Hierarchical High-resolution Shorelines) data base: high and full resolution. GSHHS combines the World Vector Shoreline and World Data Base II products into a single quality-checked hierarchical data base at 5 resolutions. Although these shorelines are distributed as part of the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT), they can be used stand-alone or with other applications that can read NetCDF files. << DescPort: << These high-resolution coastlines are recommended for the use with the gmt package (but not essential). Standard coastlines can be found in the gshhs-lores package. << License: GPL DocFiles: LICENSE.TXT README.TXT Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr Homepage: