Info2: << Package: lpsolve-extra Description: External Language Interfaces for lpsolve Version: Revision: 1 # rev-up and adapt next line at version-increases of lpsolve or glpk Type: glpk (4.44), maj (5.5) BuildDepends: lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-dev (>= %v-1), glpk (>= %type_raw[glpk]-1), bison, flex, sed | ssed, fink (>= 0.24.12) Depends: lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs (>= %type_raw[maj].0.0-1) # we need the lp_solve source again, for yacc_read.c lp_Hash.c lp_utils.c shared/{commonlib,myblas}.c and colamd/colamd.c Source: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_source.tar.gz Source-MD5: 167c0fb4ab178e0b7ab50bf0a635a836 # those are the real sources: Source2: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_xli_MathProg_source.tar.gz Source2-MD5: ce59814ac2857b2407bc90f716b0342b Source3: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_xli_CPLEX_source.tar.gz Source3-MD5: 1c5285c4dfe96461d83e606e174195de Source4: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_xli_DIMACS_source.tar.gz Source4-MD5: dcfb45d81a8619521e814c7c854f1367 Source5: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_xli_LINDO_source.tar.gz Source5-MD5: 27b3d2ddce2ba21e33ee21b495b0efb0 Source6: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_bfp_GLPK_source.tar.gz Source6-MD5: b42c91798f593a9a62cb3ca661369836 Source7: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_bfp_LUSOL_source.tar.gz Source7-MD5: 4252ce513b9914fa998fe20c838a588e Source8: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_bfp_etaPFI_source.tar.gz Source8-MD5: 2d01a13c9e530512349fb3dbaa56dfe1 Source9: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_doc.tar.gz Source9-MD5: 7886d6b94477c821c88142c3730f4e65 Source9ExtractDir: lp_solve_%type_raw[maj]/doc # ZIMPL needs more work _ this version doesn't even seem to fit lpsolve55 .. #Source10: #Source10-MD5: 274645d82a31bc9f7ffc8b758811c285 #Source10ExtractDir: lp_solve_%type_raw[maj]/xli/xli_ZIMPL Source11: mirror:gnu:glpk/glpk-%type_raw[glpk].tar.gz Source11-MD5: f2ac7013bc0420d730d052e7ba24bdb1 # SourceDirectory: lp_solve_%type_raw[maj] PatchFile: lpsolve.patch PatchFile-MD5: f27f7a5dbd1d2411e2b83ac7db502bf9 PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev N=lpsolve v=%v p=%p b=%b t=%type_raw[maj] . %{PatchFile} #### ZIMPL # sed -r -e 's,CPLEX,ZIMPL,' -e "s,^(src=).*,\1'lp_ZIMPL.c'," < xli/xli_CPLEX/ccc > xli/xli_ZIMPL/ccc #### the ccc files sed -ri.bak -e "{ # remove colamd from the srcs; never needed : s,[-./Ia-z]*colamd(\.c|) ,, # set optimisation flags; use -Os for the non time-critical parts s,opts='',opts='-Os'\nopts=\"\$opts -fstrict-aliasing\", # -fpic not availaible on MacOSX, -fPIC default s, \-fpic,, # link as bundles s,so=\"\-s.*,so='-bundle', # strip (and -lc -lm are libSystem, which is always there) s: \-lc \-lm: -Wl,-x -dead_strip -exported_symbols_list ../exp_sym: # Remove from the srcs everything which is already in the lib # (the differences in -D flags do not matter), and link with the lib. # /^src=/s,\.\./\.\./[^ ']*,,g # s,\-Wl,-L%p/lib -llpsolve &, # Finally use by preference the installed lpsolve headers _ doesn't matter irrespective of the previous choice _ , # so the only files we still need from Source1 (if previous choice is not commented out) are yacc_read.c and lp_Hash.c s,\-I\.\./\.\./,-I%p/include/lpsolve/,g s,\-I\.\./\.\.,-I%p/include/lpsolve &, }" */*/ccc # SpaceChars is used : sed -ri -e '/static char SpaceChars/{ i */ a /* }' xli/xli_DIMACS/lp_Dimacs.c # Else plenty of errors "'struct _lprec' has no member named 'lpfunc'" in those 2 complilations : sed -ri -e '/RELEASE/s,0,2,' xli/xli_DIMACS/lp_{Dimacs,network}.c # No xli_glpsql.c to be found _ neither in the buildir, nor on my machine, nor on the net.. # Let is provisionally replace it by a compilation of glpsql.c; but this needs a real include-dir for mysql: sed -ri -e 's,/usr,%p,' -e 's,xli_glpsql,${glpkdir}/src/glpsql,' xli/xli_MathProg/ccc #### glpk # the bfp would still build with glpk-4.14, given the following changes _ but would still require # a special build of glpk, installing a number of headers that have become internal _ not worth it. # # accomodate changes in glpk 4.14 # perl -pi -e 's,glp_inv_,inv_,g' bfp/bfp_GLPK/lp_glpkLU.c # # link the bfp with glpk (4.14) instead of re-compiling: # perl -pi.bak -e 's, \$\{glpk\},,; s,I\$\{glpkdir\},I%p,; s,\-Wl,-L%p/lib -lglpk $&,' bfp/bfp_GLPK/ccc # for xli_MathProg, use the downloaded glpk-4.13 : perl -pi -e 's,=/glpk.*,=%b/../glpk-%type_raw[glpk],' {bfp/bfp_GLPK,xli/xli_MathProg}/ccc << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export PATH=%p/lib/flex/bin:$PATH export CPATH=%p/lib/flex/include:%p/include export LIBRARY_PATH=%p/lib/flex/lib:%p/lib # skip bfp_GLPK for the moment : sed -i '1i return 0' bfp/bfp_GLPK/ccc for d in xli/xli_CPLEX xli/xli_LINDO; do cd $d; . ./*.bat; cd -; done for d in bfp xli; do \ cd $d D=`echo $d|tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]"` sed -r -e '/EXPORTS/d' -e 's,^ +,_,' < lp_$D.def > exp_sym for n in ${d}_*; do cd $n; . ./ccc; cd -; done cd .. done << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # bundles mkdir -p %i/lib cp -p */*/*.so %i/lib chmod 644 %i/lib/* # Headers for d in bfp xli; do \ cd $d mkdir -p %i/include/lpsolve/$d cp *.{def,h,c} %i/include/lpsolve/$d for n in ${d}_* ; do mkdir -p %i/include/lpsolve/$d/$n; cp $n/*.h %i/include/lpsolve/$d/$n; done cd .. done # the following are already in lpsolve rm -f %i/include/lpsolve/bfp/{lp_BFP,bfp_LUSOL/lp_LUSOL}.h # docs sed -ri -e '/^(This directory|To build)/d' -e '/^$/d' xli/*/readme.txt mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n/examples/lpsolve %i/share/doc/%n/examples/DIMACS %i/share/doc/lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs mv doc %i/share/doc/%n/html echo "#!/bin/sh open html/contents.htm" > %i/share/doc/%n/viewdoc echo "#!/bin/sh open html/search.htm" > %i/share/doc/%n/searchdoc chmod a+x %i/share/doc/%n/{view,search}doc ln -s other/README.txt %i/share/doc/%n/readme_lpsolve ln -s ../lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs %i/share/doc/%n/other ln -s ../%n %i/share/doc/lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs/extras cp -p xli/xli_DIMACS/*.net xli/xli_DIMACS/*.htm %i/share/doc/%n/examples/DIMACS ln -s examples/DIMACS %i/share/doc/%n/DIMACS # And since we had anyway to expand the src of lpsolve, we can as well install its demo # Here we delete the $src, and link instead with the dylib, forgetting our scruples about different '-D' flags ... # for a demo, the risk is compensated by the gain in space : 18K vs > 600K cd demo sed -ri -e 's,\$src ,,' -e 's,\$math \$dl,%p/lib/liblpsolve.dylib -mdynamic-no-pic -Os -fstrict-aliasing -s -dead_strip,' ccc sh -ev ccc cp -p demo %i/share/doc/%n/examples/lpsolve ln -s examples/lpsolve/demo %i/share/doc/%n/lpsolve_demo << DocFiles: << bfp/bfp_LUSOL/LUSOL/LUSOL-overview.txt:overview_LUSOL xli/xli_CPLEX/readme.txt:readme_CPLEX xli/xli_LINDO/readme.txt:readme_LINDO xli/xli_MathProg/readme.txt:readme_MathProg << DescDetail: << External Language Interfaces (XLI) and Basis Factorization Packages (BFP) for the linear (mixed integer) programming solver lpsolve. << DescPackaging: << << DescUsage: << For doc and demos, cf %p/share/doc/%n For a (lpsolve, not lpsolve-extra) demo, type : %p/share/doc/%n/lpsolve_demo Mailing list is at << License: LGPL HomePage: Maintainer: JF Mertens <<