Info2: << Package: lpsolve-octave Version: Revision: 1 ## It is probably prudent to rev-up and change the next line whenever octave or lpsolve go to a new version ## (to quickly check things are OK after a change, run from within octave the files in %p/share/doc/lpsolve-octave/examples) Type: octave (3.0.5), maj (5.5) BuildDepends: fftw3, hdf5, libncurses5, lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-dev (>= %v-1), readline5 Depends: << fftw3-shlibs, hdf5-shlibs, libncurses5-shlibs, lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs (>= %v-1), octave (>= %type_raw[octave]-3) | octave-atlas (>= %type_raw[octave]-3), octave (<< %type_raw[octave]-9999) | octave-atlas (<< %type_raw[octave]-9999), readline5-shlibs << Source: mirror:sourceforge:lpsolve/lp_solve_%v_octave_source.tar.gz Source-MD5: b8ea22788d119bcd514d057a74f4c430 SourceDirectory: lp_solve_%type_raw[maj] PatchScript: << sed -i'' -e '/malloc\.h/d' */*/*/hash.c sed -i'' -e 's,\.\./\.\./\.\.,%p/include/lpsolve,' -e 's:\*\.o:& -Wl,-x -Wl,-dead_strip:' */*/*/ccc sed -i'' -e 's,liblpsolve%type_pkg[maj]\.so,%p/lib/liblpsolve.dylib,' */*/*/lp_explicit.h << CompileScript: echo '' InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev cd extra/octave/lpsolve sh -ev ccc mkdir -p %i/lib/octave/site/oct/%m-apple-darwin %i/share/octave/site/m %i/share/doc/%N/examples %i/share/doc/lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs ln -s ../%n %i/share/doc/lpsolve%type_raw[maj]-shlibs chmod a-x octlpsolve.oct cp -p octlpsolve.oct %i/lib/octave/site/oct/%m-apple-darwin cp -p {oct,lp_}*.m %i/share/octave/site/m cp -p {ex,lpd}*.m %i/share/doc/%N/examples << DocFiles: << */*/*/*.htm << Description: Octave interface to the mixed LP pkg lpsolve DescPackaging: << << DescUsage: << For doc on lpsolve, install lpsolve-extra and go to %p/share/doc/lpsolve-extra, or cf[maj]/ For doc on this interface from Octave, cf %p/share/doc/%n/Octave.htm << License: LGPL HomePage: Maintainer: JF Mertens <<